The Clock Is Ticking

I've been on a long break from diet and exercise. My mind and body haven't been in sync for quite some time. Today is December 30 and the New Year is almost here. I'd like to believe I can shake this off and get myself on track, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. I've gained back at least 100 pounds and this is devastating. I worked so hard to get it off and felt so good about the way I looked and then I let it all go. It's done and I can't sit here and wring my hands about it. In my head, I feel like I'm ready to get back on track. My body isn't cooperating as I've been sick since I got back from Florida. We arrived home very late on December 9 and I'm still recuperating. I believe I contracted COVID as this all started with a mild sore throat on Thursday December 7. By Friday December 8 I was running a fever but managed that with Tylenol and continued on our schedule. By Saturday December 9, our departure day, I had a runny nose a...