Day 205: Hot Stuff !


Today is day 205 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and the forecast was calling for extreme heat. Despite that, the siding crew was hard at work by 8 am. They packed up and left before 12:30, which was no surprise. It's hot. It's Friday and it's Harbor Fest weekend ! I know they'll be back at it first thing Monday. Today they worked on rebuilding the soffit on the yard side of the house. They did the same on the driveway side earlier in the week and it gives the roof extra support, along with a nice finished look. Will tells me the guy that put the roof on did a crappy job. No surprise. That guy ripped me off but the roof & window job was done not long before my leukemia was diagnosed, so I wasn't well physically or mentally. The roof and windows are in pretty good shape so it's not all bad. Everything else will be weather tight now, so I shouldn't have bees in the house or birds roosting in my walls again. There is still a ton of work to do but I can already see how happy I'm going to be when it's done !

After the siding crew packed up I moved from the kitchen table to the couch to continue working. I had planned to work OT tonight but it was too hot and I just wasn't motivated.

Tomorrow I'm going to try resetting my Nutrisystem journey. That means a shake for breakfast, Metamucil at mid-morning, veggies and a shake for lunch, fruit for a snack, and a shake with veggies for dinner. I plan to make some jello and if I'm desperate for a snack I will have that before bed with a little whipped cream. I also want to get back on the treadmill with slow walks, mostly because my hip is bothering me. I delayed my next Nutrisystem order to 8/7, mostly because I need to order some Costco gift cards and they don't process them on weekends. 

I spent the evening eating .. lol ! I had countless bags of chips, some cookies and a candy bar. Dinner was the last 2 hot dogs and the last container of frozen mac & cheese. I resisted the urge to go to the store to buy more ice cream, so that's a win !


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