Day 18: So-So


Day 18 of Nutrisystem 2.0 got off to an early start. I woke up at 6:55 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I got up before 8 and started my day. That meant feeding the stray cats and my cats, then plopping on the couch with a steaming hot cup of coffee. I finally booted myself off the couch at 2:30 and heading out to shop. I'm low on k-cups so I headed to Christmas Tree Shop first. Well, that was a disappointment. Looks like they are no longer carrying Victor's coffee, which I've been buying there for several years ! They also don't seem to be stocking the sugar free coffee syrups I've also been using. I got a couple bottles of hazelnut but they had no other flavors. I used to buy salted caramel and vanilla. They actually didn't have much coffee at all and I saw a lot of empty shelves, so I don't know what's going on there. I probably won't go there anymore. I could get the Victor's coffee on Amazon but they want $35 for 80. It was $29 at CTS and they often had sales at $25. Next stop was Wegman's where I got some beautiful salad items. They also have their own brand of flavored k-cups in 72 count boxes so I bought the vanilla and hazelnut. These are about 32 cents a cup and if I bought Victor's online it would be 44 cents a cup. That's a big difference ! I had already bought their chocolate cream and salted caramel, so I know it's decent coffee. Now I have those 4 flavors stocked. Next stop was Walmart. I picked up some vanilla caramel creme and caramel pecan flavored k-cups. I also treated myself to a new nightgown and 3 pairs of leggings. One pair was $7.98 and the other 2 pairs were on clearance for $7, so they were a great deal. I now have enough plus size leggings to wear while I work on getting this weight off. I got home just after 5:30 and settled back on the couch with a cup of coffee after I put everything away and fed the cats. I was hungry so I finished the bowl of salad. Then I did some online shopping for sugar free coffee syrup. I ended up placing at order at Skinny Syrups website, because their single bottle price is $2 less than Amazon. I bought 8 different flavors and got free shipping. Most are flavors I have not tried before, so I'm looking forward to checking them out ! I also bought my usual flavors on Amazon because the price was better for multi-packs. I ordered vanilla, hazelnut and salted caramel. I feel better now that my k-cups are restocked and coffee syrups are on the way !

Breakfast was a 260 calorie Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. I didn't have an afternoon snack. Dinner was a chef salad and 260 calorie roasted turkey. Evening snack was a 130 calorie vanilla ice cream sandwich. While I was out shopping today I had 2 cookies from Wegman's - 380 calories worth. Those empty calories stood in for my morning and afternoon snack. Total calories for the day are 1250 .. just slightly over my 1200 or less target.

Although I had the cookies while I was out, I did not buy any other non-Nutrisystem compliant items. I'm pretty happy about that because over the past 1+ year I almost always brought things home that I shouldn't have. I will admit, I did look .. but I did not buy. What will trip me up next is Irish Soda Bread when it gets closer to Saint Patrick's Day. My mom loved it and so does my older sister, who used to buy it for mom the past couple of years. I plan to buy some and I will accept the consequences to my weight loss journey. It's once a year and it's only around for a short time. Things I won't allow myself are Valentine's candy or Easter candy. Those are just the same chocolate products in a different wrapper, so they're nothing special. I didn't get on the treadmill today, but my Fitbit logged nearly 6,000 steps and that counts. I'm not going anywhere tomorrow so I will get 2-3 workouts in. Snow or a wintry mix is in the forecast for tomorrow, so I'm glad I got my shopping done today.

I was thinking about my coffee buying spree today and I half wondered if I don't have a little bit of OCD. Just knowing I was on my last boxes of coffee made me nervous and I had to get out and restock. I can't have just one of anything that I use frequently. I bought 4 bottles of the sugar free raspberry lemonade flavoring I add to my water, even though I have 3 in the cupboard. I probably have 7 bottles of salad dressing and 2-3 bottles of sugar free maple syrup. Since I only have one box of the new coffees I got at Wegman's, I'm already thinking that I have to buy another box of each flavor. In reading a little bit about OCD, it's clear I don't have that. I think this behavior is a result of the years that money was tight. I've done the same thing with shoes ! Once the weight started coming off I didn't need wide width shoes anymore and I started buying shoes again. If I found a pair I liked I would buy 2 of them ... so that when they wore out I'd have a new pair. I have yet to wear a pair out ! I have a closet shelf full of shoes still in their boxes. The good news is I don't have a desire to go and buy more. I'd be more worried if I had a need to buy multiples of luxury goods, like designer bags !

It's nearly 11 pm and the snack monster is lurking, so I'm going to bed. I'm tired and I want to have a productive day tomorrow.


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