Day 20: Hello Monday !


Day 20 of Nutrisystem 2.0 started off like any other Monday. Stayed awake too late last night and didn't want to get up. It was chilly in my room so about 5:15 I put the electric heater on so it would be warm when it was time to get up. I did boost myself out of bed before 7:30 because I had an early call and needed to make sure the cats were all fed first. Got that all done and logged in on time, only to have issues with accessing my files. I managed to wing it through my early conference call and then set to work getting whatever the problem was, fixed. It took until about 10 am to get the problem resolved and it was smooth sailing after that ! For once I did not panic and get angry about the situation. I just did what needed to be done to get through my call and then resolve the issue with the help desk. 

Breakfast was 160 calorie buttermilk waffles with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. Morning snack was a 120 calorie chocolate shake. Lunch was the usual 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt with some brussel sprouts. Afternoon snack was 190 calorie cheese & crackers. Dinner was 260 calorie roasted turkey medallions. Evening snack was 1 130 calorie vanilla ice cream sandwich. Total calories for the day are 1160.

I'm rethinking my switch to cheese & crackers for the afternoon snack. The calorie count is higher and it doesn't fill me up. 10 crackers is 100 calories and 1 ounce of cheddar cheese is 110 calories. Let me tell you - one ounce of cheese is not that much ! Problem is, I have 2 good size bags of crackers and a 2 pound block of cheese. The cheese serving size is one ounce, so that is 32 servings. Once it is gone I plan to go back to cottage cheese & fruit and maybe my oatmeal cookies once in a while. I haven't opened the big block of cheese yet. I'm working on some Laughing Cow cheese I bought a long time ago. 3 wedges are 90 calories, so they're a good option. I also have a bag of Asiago cheese snacks. I forget the calorie count on those. I also have another wedge of cheese .. so it's going to be a while before I get to the cheddar. Why I have bought all this cheese I'll never know. 

After my unsettled morning I was on the verge of skipping my lunchtime workout, with the thought of working through lunch and getting 2 workouts in after work. Well, you know how that would go. I know myself well enough to know I wouldn't do that, so at about 12:15 I stopped myself and got on the treadmill. No more excuses !! I completed a 20 minute incline workout that nearly killed me, but I got it done without grabbing the bars or changing any part of the workout ! 10% incline is NO joke even at  slow speeds, and it took everything I had to keep going. I'm proud of myself and, as the trainer mentioned during the workout, the workout endorphins feel great ! This workout was #1 in a series of 24 workouts set in the Alps. I "tried" the first workout early in my Nutrisystem journey. It was February 10, 2019 and I weighed 280 pounds - about 42 more than today. I only lasted 8 minutes, which is not surprising because incline is hard ! I actually completed the entire series a while back but I'm thinking of doing it again now since the workouts are short but intense. The series takes you through 4 workouts on each of 6 mountains and the scenery is spectacular. There is also a Grand Canyon series of short workouts and that is on my radar for a repeat as well. After work I opted for an easy 15 minute walk since I worked until almost 6. I was in the middle of something and just needed to get it done. So today I spent about 47 minutes on the treadmill. It's a good start on the week.

I spent the remainder of the evening watching YouTube videos. Although I pay $20 a month for Disney+ and Hula, I spend most of my time watching YouTube.


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