Day 21: Time To Get (more) Serious


Day 21 of Nutrisystem 2.0 was blessedly uneventful, but I thought it was weigh in day, so I got on the scale this morning. I'll get right to it: I lost nothing. I stared at a big fat 238. I was really disappointed and thinking about what could have happened. Well, let's see. I finished the can of trail mix I had. I snacked on pretzels in bed a couple of nights. Two nights ago I had some butter cookies. I had those 2 chocolate chip cookies on Saturday. I didn't exercise all weekend, and I've been taking it pretty easy when I do get on the treadmill - short, slow walks. I had some chocolates before bed last night. I'm not drinking enough water. Maybe I'm getting too much salt. Take each item alone and you think "that's not so bad" .. but when you add them all up into one week .. it is bad. The trail mix is gone. Check. Today was trash day so I tossed the remainder of the pretzels and butter cookies. Check. The only contraband left in the house is an unopened bag of S'mores snack mix and 10 pieces of chocolate. I also still have those 4 sugar cookies in the freezer. I will keep these few items, as I get too anxious if I don't have something sweet in the house. After all this angst, I realized today is not weigh in day. Since tomorrow is the actual week 3 weigh in, I'm holding out hope that I might drop a pound overnight ! I will take 1 pound - it is something ! Even if I do, it doesn't excuse the fact that I cheated. Yep - it's all cheating and I have to bring that to a hard stop. The more I sabotage myself, the longer this is going to take.  

Breakfast was a 260 calorie Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich. Morning snack was a 120 calorie vanilla shake. Lunch was a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 190 calorie cheese and crackers. Dinner was 250 calorie chicken enchilada with green beans. Evening snack was 140 calorie chocolate cupcake. Total calories for the day are 1180.

Work was uneventful but I don't feel like I got much accomplished. I'm working on something really complex and progress is super slow. I need to put in a couple hours of overtime this week but I wasn't in the mood for that tonight, so I'll work late tomorrow and Thursday. We had some snow flurries on and off all day but there was no accumulation. After I brought the trash bin back into the garage I took a few minutes to change out the bulb in the outdoor light that I leave on 24/7. I bought a bulb that turns on automatically at dusk and goes off at dawn. I might save a little on electricity as it cuts the "on" time in half and it's LED - so it's super bright ! I'm going to order a couple more just so I have them on hand. My hazelnut and salted caramel coffee syrups arrived from Amazon today ! The vanilla should arrive on Thursday, so then I'll just be waiting for Skinny Syrups to deliver the 8 assorted bottles I bought from them. It feels good to have these items stocked up again !

I nearly succeeded in avoiding my lunchtime workout ! I wanted to cut up a salad and then get the trash out, so I did that first. By the time that was done it was 12:30 and I needed to be back on the clock by 1:05. I forced myself to put my treadmill shoes on and I selected a 15 minute workout. With the warm up and cool down I only needed 21 minutes and when I hit the start button on the treadmill I had 5 minutes to spare. After work, I had no excuses, so I repeated the 33 minute workout I did Friday. It's the Atlas Mountains Culture Walk with iFit trainer, and miracle man, Tommy Rivs. I did this one every day for weeks back in 2019 and I'm embarking on that track again. I'm going to do this one every day until it feels easy, which is exactly what I did before. I don't feel like I'm "struggling" to get through this workout, but it does tire me out. It doesn't help that I am 4 years older but I am not quite so heavy, so I guess that balances it a little. I spent exactly 60 minutes on the treadmill today (with warm ups and cool downs) and I'm happy with that. I feel like I've been cutting myself a little too much slack with the short and slow walks. The only way I will gain endurance is to push myself, so that is what I am trying to do. Since I am working late tomorrow and Thursday, I will do the Atlas Mountains during my lunch hour and then a short walk after work.

The sale of my mom's house was the remaining item for her estate, other than a final tax return, so my sister invited us to her house Friday for a pizza night to go over the financials. Mom would be happy about that, because she had pizza night on Fridays during the fall and winter for the past couple of years. Mom didn't have a lot, but our inheritance is more than I ever expected. A fair amount of mine will go towards the improvements on my house. I'm pretty grateful but I'd take my mom over the money any day.

Although the scale says I didn't lose any weight this week (so far) it's important to note that I didn't gain any ! Pizza on Friday is not going to help, but I am going to put in more effort to get on the treadmill this weekend. I have more than enough time on Saturday and Sunday to get 2 workouts in, so that is the goal. For now, I'm going to go take a nice hot shower and then hop in bed. This week is flying by ! 


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