Day 27: It's Only A Number


Day 27 of Nutrisystem 2.0. I made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning and I was disappointed yet again. It's holding steady at 237. I weighed myself twice because I couldn't believe it. I was dumbfounded and wondering what I was doing wrong. I said to myself "I've stuck to the program 100% and I've exercised every day". Well, during my first workout today I remembered Friday evening. Pizza - 2 pieces. Cookies - too many to count. Chocolates - about 8, I think. Wine - 2 glasses. Oops ... forgot the 2 servings of buffalo chicken dip and 2 piles of tortilla chips. So there was a fair amount of excess calories and 1 less workout .. but still .. no loss ? This is why weighing myself too often is a bad idea and this is why it's not ok for me to have a "cheat day". I sat there Friday eating cookies without even thinking about the calories. Didn't think about it when I helped myself to more dip & chips. Didn't think about it when I had that second glass of wine. Over time this is why I gain weight. Still, that number on the scale is just that .. a number. I've seen the number change drastically overnight, so hope is not lost. I haven't been at this that long, so I can't give up now. I have to give the process time to work and I have to keep working on my tendency to overindulge.

Breakfast was a 270 calorie Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich. Interesting that the box of them I bought at Costco had the calories at 260, while the box I bought at Wegman's says 270. They're the exact same item and box so the calorie count must have been updated by the manufacturer. Morning snack was a 120 calorie vanilla shake. Lunch was green beans and a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 180 calorie cheese & crackers. I tossed the last piece of Laughing Cow cheese, so I'm working on the 80 calorie chunks of asiago cheese. Dinner was the rest of the roasted carrots and 260 calorie roasted turkey medallions. Evening snack was a 130 calorie vanilla ice cream sandwich. Total calories for the day are 1180.

My lunchtime workout was 33 minutes in the Atlas Mountains (32:45 to be exact). I won't say this workout is getting "easy" but I feel like the time passes a little more quickly now ! I don't see myself having to do this for 50 days before I'm ready to move up. After work was just over 14 minutes in Mexico. I did the first couple minutes at 2.4 mph, then increased speed 0.2 mph every 3 minutes, as I've done the past couple of days. I can do 3.2 mph but it definitely takes more effort and I'm not sure how much longer than 3 minutes I could go at that pace right now.

We had some light snow falling this morning and it was colder, as predicted. I am NOT looking forward to the freezing weekend ahead. I will probably camp out in my room with the cats and the electric heater. I just pray my pipes don't freeze ! This time last year I was preparing for my trip to Disney. The day I was leaving my kitchen pipes were frozen and I was freaking out, because I was afraid I'd come home to some disaster. By a stroke of luck they unfroze before I left and all was well while I was gone. I sure wish I was headed to Florida again !

I didn't have what I would consider a productive day at work but I was working on something I've never done before, so that took some time to figure out. With that out of the way I should be able to accomplish a bit more tomorrow.

With the exception of Friday, I've stuck to Nutrisystem 100% since my last weigh in and I'm still holding out hope that I will show a loss on Wednesday. I would really like to see 234 but I suspect that's not going to happen. It does make it hard to stay motivated, I won't lie about that. At times I wonder why I'm bothering. My life will not magically change when I get back to 160. My mom will still be gone and I'll still be alone. Memories of how good I felt and how good I looked at 160 are what keep me going. I have something concrete to strive for. I intend to recreate the picture that I included in my first blog. When I first started Nutrisystem in 2019 I had nothing like that to look forward to, because I'd been heavy my entire adult life. I'd always struggled to find clothes that fit and I was never stylish. So regardless of how disappointed I was this morning, I intend to keep trying until I get there.

It's nearly 8:30 so I'm going to wrap this up, take a shower and climb into my warm bed. Tomorrow is another day full of opportunity !


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