Day 28: To Weigh or Not To Weigh


Day 28 of Nutrisystem 2.0. Since it is winter and I'm forced to be inside, it's hard not to feel isolated. Even if I lived closer to my family, they all work too so it's not like I'd be hanging at their houses all the time. I really miss being able to work out on the front porch. I miss the sunshine and the warmth and being able to sit out there and enjoy even the rainy days. I do enjoy watching a good blizzard since I don't have to go out, but we really haven't had one of those .. yet ! This winter has been relatively mild but that can change at any time. I'm glad that I have Nutrisystem and iFit to focus on. If I wasn't working on losing weight and regaining my fitness, I'd be sitting here eating myself to death. The casino used to be my happy place every weekend and I haven't been able to come up with a replacement to provide entertainment. I'm thinking that I may venture out to some of our local beaches this summer. Sure, it kind of sucks to go by yourself but the alternative is sitting at home. Green Lakes has nice walking trails and the beach is very clean. Fairhaven also has plenty of space to walk and their beach is nice. We'll see .. I can dream !

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. Morning snack was a 120 calorie chocolate shake. Lunch was broccoli and a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 180 calorie cheese & crackers. Dinner was a chef salad and a 250 calorie chicken enchilada. Evening snack was a 140 calorie chocolate cupcake. Total calories for the day are 1140.

First workout of the day was 33 minutes in the Atlas Mountains. After work was just over 13 minutes in Mexico. I used the same settings as the past couple days 2.4 mph to start, 2.6 at the 12 minute mark and then an increase of 0.2 every 3 minutes until the end. I think this will help be get my speeds back into the 3+ mph range, where I was before I went off the rails. I'm really happy with the progress I'm making.

During my first workout I was toying with the idea of only weighing myself on the 4th of each month, since I restarted Nutrisystem on January 4. The number on the scale won't change what I'm doing, so I'm not sure weekly weigh ins are doing me any good. Tomorrow will be the 4th weigh in since my restart, so we'll see how that goes. When you are dieting and don't "cheat" and you exercise every day you expect to lose something. I guess a pound is "something" but it's not enough of a something for me. I know that's because I am desperate to shed these 87 pounds that I stupidly allowed myself to gain. Everything I am going through right now is my own fault - I let it happen. I knew my jeans were getting tighter. I remember practically crying because I had no pants that fit at Thanksgiving or Christmas. I had to break down and buy some plus size items because my size small tops didn't fit and the few mediums I had were super tight. I couldn't even fit into my size XL coat and ended up buying a new one (that I love) in size 3X. It was humbling and devastating and sad. I just don't know why I let this happen. I'm hoping I've learned my lesson, but I'm not very confident in myself right now. If the scale shows a 2 pound loss tomorrow I'll be ok with that. 

I had a really productive day at work today and actually took on some additional assignments to help out the team. I really enjoy what I'm doing and can't wait to get back at it tomorrow ! Before my job title changed I was able to work as many hours as I wanted and I took full advantage of that. Now I'm limited to 40 hours a week, unless overtime is granted, and all that I learned while I was working long hours has helped me become very efficient and knowledgeable. I'm glad I put in all those hours because I can get twice as much done now in the same amount of time. I'm really hoping for an outstanding performance review and a nice raise and bonus would be great too ! We have a guaranteed bonus but there is typically a pool of money available to reward high performers and I'm hoping to get a little something extra. My work ethic won't change but it would be nice to have that acknowledgement of the effort I've put in.

We actually got to see the sun for a little bit today ! The bad thing about that is the clear skies brought the cold with it ! Tonight's low is a balmy 12 degrees ! Thursday night is 5 degrees and Friday night is supposed to be -4 .. brrr. I'll be worrying about my pipes, that is for sure. Temps are supposed to be back in the high 30's by Sunday, which is a relief !

On that chilly note, I'm heading for bed. I've had the heater going in my room all week so it's nice and warm in there.


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