Day 46 to 48: Complete and Utter Failure


Day's 46, 47 and 48 of Nutrisystem were a little off the rails. I spent the entire 3 day weekend pretty much sitting on the couch and eating whatever I wanted. Why ? I don't know .. I just needed a couple days "off" my routine, I guess. I didn't exercise and I'm not going to detail what I ate. There is no point. 

Today I did manage to get off my ass and go to Wegman's and Walmart. I picked up fresh salad items at Wegman's and included some new items. I bought some feta cheese, pickled onions, green and greek olives and some pickled jalapenos. I've gotten very bored with my salads and I'm going to try adding some of these items in small quantities to make them more appealing. I also bought a piece of strawberry shortcake. Enough said. I didn't really "need" anything at Walmart but I bought some frozen broccoli and green beans, some of my raspberry lemonade drink mix and some Fresca. I also got 4 double chocolate muffins. I picked up a summer nightgown, some hangers, a mitt for washing the car and a 6 pack of plastic storage containers. They're shoe box sized. I looked at a lot of other food items today and resisted them. Chocolate candy. Mixed nuts. Thought about ice cream. Walmart had medium pepperoni pizza's for $3.75 because today was the "sell by" date. I bought one and as I was checking out I regretted not buying several and freezing them. I'm glad I didn't because it was just an impulse. I had half of the pizza and the shortcake when I got home and later I had a muffin. 

I have a real problem with weekends and I have to fix this. I will give myself the next couple of days to come up with a plan. I'm thinking I will just try keeping to my weekday routine. That means setting an alarm and being up before 8 am. That means treadmill at noon and 5. That means bed by 9. Pretty simple when you think about it.

My biggest regret of these 3 days is I did absolutely NOTHING around my house. My kitchen and dining room tables have stuff all over them. My sink is full of dishes. The litter boxes are overflowing. My office is even a mess. 

Self-care has gone out the window and I'm barely functioning. I'm lonely and perhaps a bit depressed. It's isolating when you have no one to talk to or do things with. Winter is the worst because I have no desire to leave the house. I know I will feel better when Spring is here, but what to do in the meantime ? 

Well, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to put these 3 days behind me and focus on the 24 hours that Tuesday will bring. I've eaten enough for the day, so I'm going to go take a shower, brush & floss my teeth and give my skin some moisture. Then I'm going to bed.


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