Day 49: Tired


Day 49 of Nutrisystem 2.0 dawned clear and chilly. It's so odd to have absolutely no snow on the ground. It was 41 degrees by noon and we had some rain. Snow is possible pretty much every day into Sunday but my area has a winter storm watch from tomorrow afternoon to Thursday afternoon. Could see snow, ice, high winds and rain. Ugh. I'm not worried as I have plenty of food and I don't have to go out, but I'm not liking the 5 degree low predicted for Friday night ! Our winter has just gone from one extreme to another over and over, so I just have to roll with it. It helps that my heat has been 100% reliable since the last guy was here ! I have so much peace of mind !

Breakfast was a 270 calorie Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich. Morning snack was a 120 calorie vanilla shake. Lunch was freshly roasted carrots and .. what else, a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt ! Afternoon snack was .. you guessed it, 160 calorie cheese & crackers. New bag of crackers are 120 for 15 crackers, so I had 10 and that's only 80 calories. Dinner was the remainder of the pizza I bought yesterday. Evening snack was a 175 calorie half muffin. Total calories for the day are 1200+ because of the pizza.

First workout of the day was 33 minutes (actually 32 minutes, 45 seconds) in the Atlas Mountains. I did the first 25% at 2.5, the next at 2.6, the next at 2.7 and somehow, I set it to 2.9 for the last quarter. Once I realized that, I just left it and I survived. Yep, got winded at that 35 second stretch at 8% incline near the end but I made it ! After work was the 2nd workout in the Spain series with Tommy Rivs. It was 16 minutes, so I started at 2.6 mph and increased by 0.1 every 2 minutes, ending at 3.3 mph. Anything over 3 mph is tough but I can handle it in short spurts. I put in a total of 61 minutes on the treadmill and I'm happy with that. My informal goal is 60 minutes per day.

Since I didn't get anything done around the house yesterday, I put myself to work tonight. After work I tackled the pile of plasticware in the kitchen sink. I put that all to soak before my workout. After my workout I washed all the plastics and loaded the dishwasher while the oven heated and my pizza cooked. All the dishes were done and the dishwasher was running by the time the pizza was ready. I also cleared off most of the kitchen table. A lot of the clutter was just stuff that needed to be put in the pantry. I still have a lot more to do, but it's a good start !

Work was pretty productive ! I was able to close out 5 projects this morning and get started on a couple new ones. I also completed a couple of training classes, so I'm doing good with getting all of that out of the way early in the year ! I spent some time working on an issue that I discovered last week. What I thought was a small issue turned out to be bigger than expected but I was able to take action quickly and minimize the impact to our customer. I'll have some work to do when the corrections hit the March invoices, but I have plenty of time to get all the preliminary stuff done. I need to fill my boss in on the scope because this is something I'll be capturing for my 2023 appraisal. I've never been good about "tooting my own horn" but I'm trying to work on that. I had an amazing review this year and I want to ensure that next year is just as good or better ! I'm not looking for advancement but it's always good to grow professionally.

So today I'm back in the diet and fitness groove and I've pretty much let the weekend failure go. I'm not happy with where I am 49 days in, but I have no one to blame but myself. All day I looked at those double chocolate muffins sitting on the counter and all day I wanted one. They're 350 calories each and during my evening workout I was thinking about my 61 minutes on the treadmill today. By iFit's calculation, I burned about 315 calories and one muffin would undo all that. So 2 are going in the freezer and the last one will be my evening snack today AND tomorrow. I am ok with a 175 calorie evening snack. I am NOT ok with a 350 calorie one, especially considering I had 1/2 a pizza for dinner. I just have to stop having non-Nutrisystem compliant food in the house. No more mixed nuts, no more baked goods. No more baked beans in the can. I've also gotten away from taking my vitamins and I need to restart that regimen. I also used to take Metamucil every day and I've gotten away from that. I keep saying things will get better once winter is over but I STARTED this program during the winter and I made it through winter 20/21, so it's just another excuse. I'm not 100% committed and THAT is the problem here. So I need to keep working at it. It's clear to me now that I won't reach ANY of the goals I've talked about over the past 49 days. I certainly won't be at 199 by Easter, which is April 9. That would be a loss of 48 pounds and I haven't even lost 15. I'm not a quitter so I'm going to keep trying and hopefully things will click again. Getting the tempting stuff out of the house is the first step. Returning to my former routine is another step. 

On that note, I'm wrapping up the evening and heading for a shower ! Tomorrow looks to be a wild weather ride so we'll how that plays out !


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