Day 52: Another Opportunity


Day 52 of Nutrisystem 2.0 had the potential to start early, because I was awake at 6:15, but I opted to go back to sleep until my alarm went off at 7. I had no trouble going back to sleep, so I clearly needed the rest. It was very quiet and still outside and that is because we had a little bit of snow during the night and very light snow was still falling. I think the snow absorbs a lot of the traffic noise, plus it's Friday so traffic is light anyway. I love these quiet mornings. The house was creaking because of the change in temperature, it was 19 when I got up and the high for the day is 20. Low for tonight is 9, so it's going to be another chilly night.

Breakfast was a 270 calorie Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich. Morning snack was a 120 calorie chocolate shake. Lunch was a chef salad and 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 200 calorie cheese & crackers. Dinner was the rest of the roasted carrots and 220 calorie chicken fettucine alfredo over riced cauliflower. Evening snack was a double header ... 140 calorie chocolate cupcake and 150 calorie shortbread cookies. Total calories for the day are 1320, so I'm a bit over.

First workout of the day was supposed to be 33 minutes in the Atlas Mountains. A few minutes in I paused the workout to turn my fan on. When I got back on the treadmill I hit the wrong button and ended the workout, instead of resuming it. After that I couldn't get it to restart. I tried 3 times and finally gave up. It might be because I was trying to skip the warm up. I took it as a sign I needed a break and decided to sit on the couch and enjoy my lunch. After work I started with the Atlas Mountains but as I approached the half way mark I had to stop. I was feeling weak and dizzy again. Same thing happened before when I tried to do this workout after work and before dinner. I paused it and heated my carrots but it was clear I could not go back to the treadmill today. Going forward I think I need to eat dinner and then work out if I'm doing something longer than 15-20 minutes. Exercise has been a bit of a struggle this week because I'm also breaking in my new shoes. The little toe on my right foot became very sore and one day I actually had to switch to my old shoes. Today I put a wrap on the toe to cushion it and that worked perfectly. Hoka has come out with Clifton 9's and I think I'm going to order a pair even though I just got new shoes. I had the Clifton 7 and the Clifton 8 so I know I'll like them. 

I'm glad the weekend is here because I do enjoy my free time, but it's another 48 hours that could derail my diet & exercise goals - if I let that happen. I don't go into the weekend planning to be a couch potato, but it often turns out that way. I do have things I want to get done around the house this weekend, so we'll see how successful I am at that. I already started off on a bad note with the failed workouts and an extra evening snack. I just needed a little something extra to have with my coffee tonight and the packaged cookies from Nutrisystem have "best by" dates of 2022, so I need to eat them up.

I texted my lawn/plow guy tonight to confirm it was in fact his brother in law that was killed yesterday. He shared with me that he also lost his brother on Wednesday. This guy has had a rough few months, losing his wife in November, then his brother and now his late wife's brother. 

That's about it for my day !


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