Day 53: Treading Water


Day 53 of Nutrisystem 2.0 started early for a Saturday - I got up just before 8 am. It was 9 degrees outside and the temp in the downstairs was 65. By 6 pm it was 20 degrees outside and the downstairs was up to 68 degrees. It pretty much stuck there because by 8 pm the temp was back down to 15.

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a chef salad and a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 200 calorie cheese & crackers. Dinner was green beans and a 250 calorie chicken enchilada. Evening snack was a 140 calorie chocolate cupcake. Total calories for the day are 1200+ because I made a bowl of popcorn. I did skip the butter !

I didn't use the treadmill today. I had some work I wanted to get done without interruption and I ended up actually working until almost 5:30 pm. Technically speaking, I'm not supposed to work "off the clock" but I do it on occasion. I figure it's giving back some of the time I spend doing things around the house during the work day. Sometimes I take a break from work and vacuum or throw in a load of laundry. The other day I happened to discover that my countertop filtered water dispenser was in need of cleaning. It had a few specks of sediment in the bottom and the filter looked a little discolored, so I rinsed it out and as I was getting ready to put the new filter in I noticed the bottom looked a little slimy. I wiped it with a paper towel and to my horror, it was brown ! I've been using this water in my coffee for who knows how long ! So I took it all apart and washed it then and there. Didn't matter that I was "at work", I had to get it clean because I was so grossed out. It didn't take that long but a few minutes here and there every day can add up. Lesson learned - from now on I'll be washing out the water dispenser more often ! I also ordered some replacement filters on Amazon since I just used the last one. 

So today was not the best start to the weekend from an exercise perspective, but I'm ok with it. I'd be upset if I spent the whole day on the couch doing nothing but scrolling through my phone or watching tv. Today I spent the time doing something worthwhile AND it kept my mind off food for most of the day.


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