Day 64: Getting It Done


Day 64 of Nutrisystem 2.0 got off to an early start. I woke up around 5:45 and couldn't go back to sleep. I don't remember what time I finally got up but I had plenty of time to take a shower and feed the indoor & outdoor cats before it was time to get to work. 

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. Morning snack was a 120 calorie vanilla shake. Lunch was a chef salad and 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was the 200 calorie remains of the maple & bacon cheese (yay!) with crackers. I still have a few crackers in the open bag but I don't plan on opening the second bag anytime soon. Dinner was green beans and the last 250 calorie chicken enchilada. Evening snack was a 140 calorie chocolate cupcake. Total calories for the day are 1160. A Reese's peanut butter egg will put me at 1245, which is fine.

First workout of the day was 35m13s in Namibia. I wasn't sure I could do this one because it was an endurance walk at 3 mph. I actually got it through it just fine ! There was a very brief (30 second) 8% incline but the speed dropped to 2.8 mph and I got through it. Things like this are helping build my confidence ! After work was 20m57s in Spain. For this one, I started at 2.6 mph with 20 minutes to go and then bumped it up 0.1 mph every 4 minutes, to end at 3 mph. There was some 6% incline at the end, right after I increased to 3 mph. Just my luck ! I struggled a little but I made it through without slowing down. Considering I worked until 7 and had dinner first, I was impressed. I got about 68 minutes on the treadmill today and that's amazing ! I'm really, really happy with the effort I'm putting in right now. Tomorrow I will do the last Namibia workout and then I'll need to find another series to challenge me. 

As I mentioned, I worked until 7 pm. I had a really productive day but I didn't get as much done between 5 and 7 as I'd have liked. Even so, my work list is in really great shape. I have a bunch more projects that are ready for the next step so I'll be getting those going first thing tomorrow. I want to end the week with everything that is "ready to go" cared for and I am on track to make that happen ! I have one more hour of OT available to me this week, if I want to use it.

From a diet perspective, I'm kind of blown away with how "good" I've been this week. I'm doing better with taking my vitamins, magnesium and Metamucil. I think the magnesium is helping my sleep and the Metamucil is definitely helping my digestion. I'm staying away from the candy and extra snacks. I'm drinking more water. I'm getting good workouts in every day. I really feel better and today I could swear my thighs are rubbing together a whole lot less ! What scares me is the weekends, because that is when I go off track. This weekend is another 48 hours to "get it right" and I'm never going to stop trying. I keep hoping that Spring weather will show up but so far it looks like temps are staying in the 20's and 30's for a while longer. I can't wait to get my home improvement projects going and I can't wait to be able to sit out on the front porch and soak up the fresh air and sunshine !

On that note, it's about time to wrap things up and head for bed.


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