Day 65: Dangerous Territory


Day 65 of Nutrisystem 2.0 got off to a slow start as I did not want to climb out of my warm comfy bed ! I finally dragged myself out shortly after 7 and got the day started. By 7:45 I was dressed, the indoor & outdoor cats were fed and I was enjoying my first cup of coffee. It was 25 degrees outside and the house was a comfortable 70. We have a chance of snow tomorrow but the forecast high is 39 degrees, so we'll see how that works out ! The weekend looks to be good. I do need a few things at the store and I need to pick up my mail, so I'll probably go out Saturday morning. Next Friday is Saint Patrick's Day and I want to pick up a corned beef dinner to prepare. Wegman's usually packages up ready for the oven pan of corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes. If I buy it Saturday I'll need to freeze it. You just take off the plastic wrap and throw it in the oven ! I also need to get my Irish Soda Bread. These were 2 of my mom's favorite things too. I'll be thinking of her for sure.

Breakfast was 160 calorie buttermilk waffles with sugar free syrup. I never got around to eating my yogurt. Morning snack was a 120 calorie chocolate shake. Lunch was chef salad and a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 80 calorie cottage cheese and 90 calorie crackers. Dinner was broccoli and a 250 calorie meatloaf sandwich. Evening snack was a 140 calorie chocolate cupcake. Total calories for the day are 1060.

First workout of the day was the final walk in the Namibia series. It was 36m9s at 3 mph for about 25 of the 36 minutes. There was some 10% incline and although I did not change the speed or incline I had to hold on to the handrails for a short time. The 2.7 speed during the incline was just a little too challenging for me. After work was a 27m50s walk in Spain. The programmed speed was a steady 2.2 mph but I wanted to work harder, so at 25 to go increased to 2.6 mph and then another 0.1 every 5 minutes, so I ended at 3 mph. I'm happy with the effort I put in today ! I got about 78 minutes on the treadmill, which is great !

Last night I checked my email before I went to bed and saw an email that said my caramels had been shipped. The email was dated yesterday and it was delivered at 8:37 pm. It was now after 9 pm. I clicked on the Fedex tracking # in the email and to my horror, it said the package was delivered yesterday before 11 am !!! When I am not expecting a delivery my porch door is locked, so they had left it on the front steps where anyone passing by could have grabbed it, since it sat there all day. Lucky for me I live in a decent neighborhood and when I looked outside the package was sitting right where the driver left it ! That was a relief ! So now I have three 2 pound jars of caramels and a 7 ounce bag of heart shaped caramels leftover from Valentine's Day. They were on sale and I bought a bag just to get my order over $60 so I could get free shipping. I opened that bag and had 2 caramels last night. That's 130 calories. I also had my Reese's egg, which was another 85 calories. The caramels were a one time thing, I won't be doing that every day. So now I have all this temptation surrounding me and it'll be a good test of my will power.

I mentioned that I don't want to turn into a daily weigher and today is a good example of why I shouldn't do that. This morning I weighed 236, even though I was 235 the other day. I'm not worried because I knew I felt "heavy" this morning and I was at 236.2 ... so a few ounces and I'd be back to 235. I think when I saw 235 the reading was actually 235.8, perfect example of fluctuations. Daily weighing can be very demoralizing ! 

I had a very productive work day and opted not to put in any OT tonight. I logged out at 5, had my dinner and then hopped on the treadmill. By 6:20 I was on the couch in my jammies ! My work day started off on a bad note because I'd been waiting a month for someone to provide me a document that was needed for me to proceed. They had the nerve to send me the document and then go to my boss to ask her to make sure it got done right away. So I wait a month for you but I don't even get 24 hours ?!?!? I was super mad and I let my boss know. All the OT I worked this week was to complete other things this same individual sent in on MONDAY - and I had them all done TODAY ! I haven't been that angry in a long time but I got over it. It won't change the way I do my job and my boss actually chastised them for going to her when there was no reason.  

Something has changed with me. I can't put my finger on it but I am still marveling at how good I feel. Maybe it's the exercise. Maybe it's the vitamins. Maybe it's the fact that Spring is coming. Maybe it's my chocolate stash (lol). I just don't know. I said the other day that I feel lighter and that is still true. Maybe it's a combination of it all. Whatever it is, I'm glad the tide is turning. When I restarted this journey on January 4 I knew it would be hard, but it ended up being harder than I expected.

We had a rather exciting morning on my street. The neighbors pit bull was loose. I spotted him in my yard and banged on the window to scare him away but he was out on the street barking at anybody who came along. No idea why he was loose, since the owners live in an apartment with no yard. The poor dog was barking at the door but they didn't let it in. A lady came along with her kids in a wagon and it barked pretty ferociously at them so she called 911. My neighbors across the street also called 911 and by the time the sheriff and dog catcher showed up the dog had wandered off. To me, the dogs barking was fear more than aggression but you never know. They banged on the apartment door and the dame that lives there had clearly been passed out and she stood there picking at her face the whole time they were talking to her - classic meth addict ! I don't know what happened as the sheriff and the dog catcher left, probably to look for the dog. Hopefully they rounded him up before a car hit him. I hope they don't give him back to the owner and are able to find him a good home. He's a beautiful dog and he deserves better than his trashy owners.

I called this blog "dangerous territory" for a couple reasons. #1 the candy I have in the house and #2 the fact that the weekend is coming. I haven't been able to stick to my routine on the weekends but I'm not giving up on that. I'm doing better with what I eat, it's the exercise that keeps tripping me up. On that note, I'm taking my tired self off to bed !


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