Day 68: A Dismal Failure


Day 68 of Nutrisystem 2.0 started later than usual because our clocks "sprung ahead" overnight. I woke up at 9 and it was a chilly 14 degrees. I didn't realize the temp was dropping so low so even my bedroom was chilly at 69 degrees. Downstairs was 68 but the day warmed up to nearly 40 and the house warmed right up too. 

Breakfast was 160 calorie buttermilk waffles with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. After that I went off the tracks. Total calories for the day far exceeded 1200.

When I got up this morning I knew I had to grocery shop and the plan was to do shower and get out early to do that. Well, it was so cold I just curled up on the couch with my coffee and a blanket. I finally forced myself off the couch around 1 pm and took a shower. I headed out to the grocery store just after 2 pm. It had warmed up and it was a beautiful sunny day. I headed to Wegman's first because I wanted to pick up that corned beef ready to cook dinner and some Irish soda bread. Mission accomplished ! I also picked up another tub of cottage cheese, some whipped cream, some frozen veggies and some oatmeal cookies. After Wegman's I stopped at DQ. I couldn't help myself. I have been craving the chocolate strawberry blizzard. I got my usual double cheeseburger, fries, iced tea and a medium blizzard. I ate the burger & fries in the Walmart parking lot as that was my next stop. I stashed the blizzard with my frozen veggies in the trunk so I could bring it home to enjoy. I finished off my list at Walmart and managed to not buy any candy or other "bad" things. I picked up more yogurt, more veggies, a new sports bra and t-shirt, some paper plates, cat food and beef baby food. I also got some more Metamucil, Fresca and some Calgon water softener that I use for my laundry. I didn't realize we have a big blizzard brewing for tomorrow so I'm glad I have a full pantry and fridge ! I could survive for several weeks with what I have !

I didn't get any formal exercise today and I'm not proud of my trip to DQ. I ate the blizzard this evening and I also ate about a half loaf of Irish soda bread. Tomorrow I'll be back on track but the soda bread will be around a bit since I bought 2 loaves. I didn't have a morning snack, afternoon snack, dinner or evening snack .. so all those calories went to offset a tiny fraction of the DQ and the bread. I took the advice of some trainers I've listened who said you can have carbs and you can have treats. The key is not having them every day. Yes, I'm in weight loss mode and this did not help that effort physically but it had a huge mental impact. Denying yourself does not work but you when you go too far with that your waistline starts to expand ... so that's where I have to tread lightly. I hadn't been to DQ in a long time and I don't plan to go back there anytime soon. The soda bread will be gone in a flash, so that temptation will be gone too. 

So my weekend was not the success I wanted. I did better yesterday but today was pretty much a disaster. When I went out to shop today the State Police were at one of my neighbor's houses .. no idea what was going on there. A single woman lives there with her 3 kids so I don't know if there was baby daddy drama or if something else was going on. I know she was up in arms over the roaming pit bull on Friday, so it could have had something to do with that. 

After I came home from shopping and put everything away I changed the sheets on my bed, so I'm looking forward to climbing in to those fresh clean flannel sheets ! 


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