Day 82: The Quest Continues


Today is day 82 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and although the day started out with some sun, it soon turned gray and rainy. Perfect for a Monday, I guess ! 

Breakfast was pancakes, morning snack was a chocolate shake, lunch was a salad & pepperoni pizza melt (with an unusually large amount of actual pepperoni!), afternoon snack was cottage cheese & oatmeal cookies, dinner was the leftover dumplings from Cracker Barrel and evening snack was a bunch of Irish soda bread and the caramels left in container #2. I have one container left and I will not be ordering any more. I think the caramels I got at Wegman's are the exact same brand and they're slightly cheaper ... and I can buy them in SMALL quantities !

First workout of the day was 25m26s in India. This jogging series was all intervals so even though I can't jog, I did my own intervals. After a short warmup I broke the workout into six 4 minute segments and did 3 mph for 3 minutes and then 1 minute at 2.8 mph. After work was the last workout in the series ! I broke this 24m28s workout into six 4 minute segments as well, but I went with endurance instead of intervals. I started at 2.6 mph and increased by 0.1 mph every 4 minutes, ending at 3.1 mph. Not bad for after work and before dinner ! I I'm glad to have this series behind me so that I can start the Italy series with Tommy Rivs. I have 2 left in the Spain series but I'll do those tomorrow and then it's off to Italy ! There are 21 workouts so I'll be working on this series for the next week.

I completely forgot about my plan to get a 3rd workout in starting today. This was truly an honest mistake as my toe was bothering me so I popped my shoes off after workout #2. Rather than put my shoes back on I decided I would spend 20 minutes doing chores around the house. All that matters is that I'm up and moving ! Well - that didn't happen .. lol !

Work was busy as always today but I accomplished a lot. My boss is off for a couple days so I took on some extra work that she usually helps out with and that kept me busy most of the day. My work is actually in a really good place right now as a lot of the tasks I need to get started on can't proceed until after April 1, so I have all this week to start getting things prepared. I plan to get that rolling tomorrow so I don't find myself at the end of the week with nothing ready. I can't believe March is almost over already ! It really just flew by.

Things are changing in my world and I'm not happy about it. Since Doug's health is failing he can't mow my lawn or plow for me anymore, which is sad for both of us. I'm thinking about buying an electric lawn mower and an electric weed trimmer and doing the yard work myself. It would cost me about $700 plus tax, which I can easily afford, and it would be good exercise. I can look for someone new to plow when Fall rolls around. I found Doug via a local Facebook group, so I'll just do that again. 

Yesterday I mentioned all the little extras that I've started buying for my salads. I add green olives, kalamata olives, feta cheese & pickled onions. My salads had gotten so boring and I was getting to the point where I didn't even want salad. The additional items add calories but I also think I wasn't getting enough calories and that's why I was struggling with being hungry and craving carbs. Those urges have settled down a bit and I enjoy my salads so much more. I do try to exercise restraint and not add huge amounts of these items. Sunday I bought a jar of roasted red peppers and going forward I'll be using these instead of the fresh ones. Honestly, I think it'll be cheaper and it's definitely less work.

On that note, it's time for a shower and bed !


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