Day 84: Keep On Going !


Today is day 84 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and we had a chilly start ! It was 32 degrees when I got up but by lunch time we were close to 50 .. but the high for tomorrow is only 35. A little bit of a roller coaster ride with the weather right now ! 

Breakfast was pancakes and a yogurt. Morning snack was a chocolate shake. Lunch was a chef salad and pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was cottage cheese and oatmeal cookies. Dinner was roasted carrots and roasted turkey medallions. Evening snack was a chocolate cupcake.

First workout of the day was 19m28s in Venice. I'm working on endurance this week so at 18 minutes to go I bumped the speed up to 3 mph for the duration. A little 5% incline tried to trip me up but I conquered that one today ! All of the workouts in this series are short so it makes sense to work on my endurance. After work was another 18m53s in Venice. For this workout I went with 2.5 mph at 18 minutes to go and then added 0.1 mph every 3 minutes. When I got to 3 mph at 3 minutes to go I increased to 3.1 after 1 minute and then 3.2 for the final minute. Last workout of the day was 19m4s in Italy. This one had some incline and I went with the programmed speed. That's the trade-off for committing to a 3rd workout on weekdays. Towards the end I boosted the speed to 2.3 mph to make sure the estimated calorie count was over 100. I feel like it's not worth working out if you don't burn more than 100 calories ! Today I got 57.25 minutes plus 18 for warm ups/cool downs. Grand total of 75.25 for the day ! I'll take it !

My workday was relatively quiet, which is always nice. I was able to tidy up a few outstanding items and my worklist is looking much cleaner. My boss will be back tomorrow and I hope she's able to dig up some more work for me. I spent the entire afternoon working on a tedious project and I finished that at about 5:15. Tomorrow I'll add the finishing touches and close it out.

I don't plan to weigh myself again until 4-4, when it'll be time for more progress photos. I am cautiously optimistic that I've kicked my bedtime eating habit so I'm hoping to start seeing the scale move a little more. It helps that I am stretching out what I eat during the way. For example, I had my pancakes right around 8 am but it was nearly 11 before I ate my yogurt. I made my salad after my lunchtime workout and didn't finish that until about 4 pm. Then I had my pizza melt. I had my cottage cheese & cookies just after 5, my carrots at 6 and the rest of my dinner after 7 pm. I had my snack around 8:30 and followed that with magnesium & Metamucil. Being hungry in the evening has always been a problem but this routine seems to be helping. I have about 9 months to get off as much weight as I can. I'd love to get the whole 87 pounds off but that may not be a realistic goal. By the time Easter rolls around (4-9) we should be done with winter weather so I plan to rearrange the living room and get the Total Gym back in service ! Time for squats and strength training for my arms and back ! I'll have to start slow because when I first got the TG I overdid it and for a couple of days my urine was dark brown - signs of muscle injury that can be serious. 

Today was another good day ! I checked all the boxes on my schedule and can go to bed content. It's a windy night and we had a blast of thunder snow that left a coating on the ground. We're actually under a gale warning until 11 pm ! It's going to be chilly again tomorrow so I guess the wind is blowing that in. No snow or rain is predicted and it looks like milder temps are coming next week !

On that note, I'm heading to bed ! I forgot to do skin care after my shower so I'll be doing that and brushing my teeth right now !


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