Day 86: Never Giving Up


Today is day 86 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and even though it wasn't quite so cold, I had a tough time getting out of bed. That is only because I went to bed late and was awake much too late last night !

Breakfast was pancakes with sugar free syrup and a yogurt. Morning snack was a chocolate shake. Lunch was a chef salad and pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was cottage cheese & oatmeal cookies. Dinner was roasted carrots and a meatloaf sandwich. Evening snack was a chocolate cupcake.

All 3 workouts today were the Italy series. I started with a 21m52s walk that had a fair amount of incline. At the 21 minute mark I set the speed to 3 mph until I hit a patch of 8% incline. For that I reduced speed to 2.5 for about a minute, then went back to 3 mph for the remainder of the workout. I will take 20 minutes at 3 mph all day long ! After work was 21m46s with some 2 and 4% inclines. At 20 minutes to go I increased my speed to 2.6 mph and then added another 0.1 mph every 4 minutes, ending at 3 mph. Last workout was 21m18s and had a little bit of 2% incline and a brief 5%. I started out at 2.2 mph but with 15 minutes to go I increased to 2.3 and then added another 0.1 mph every 3 minutes. I got about 65 minutes plus 18 warmup/cooldown minutes for a grand total of 83 minutes today !

Work was not as productive as I'd have liked because of a flood of emails from someone who is going off to a special project for 4 months starting Monday. I had a lot of open information requests to this person, so I ended up spending most of the morning making sure everything I needed was addressed before they go dark. The good news is I was able to finish 5 of the 6 new projects my boss gave me yesterday ! I will finish off the last one first thing Monday morning.

I made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning and I didn't like the number I saw: 236. Did I really not lose anything this week ? Really ? Did Cracker Barrel and that loaf of Irish soda bread really torpedo my week ? Finishing the jar of caramels probably didn't help either .. but come on ! I have exercised every freaking day and I've been trying really hard. Oh well. I'm not going to let it discourage me and I'm going to keep trying just as hard. I am feeling a little desperate because I do NOT want to be the fat person everyone stares at when I fly to Disney ! 

Today is day 5 of my new evening schedule and with the exception of Monday I've checked all the boxes every day. I may not keep to the exact schedule, but the goal for the weekend is to be able to check all the boxes ! I've also kicked the eating in bed habit and pretty much stuck to the plan all week. I'm not going out tomorrow as it's going to be a rainy, windy day and my car is sparkling clean ! Sunday is expected to be dry so I'll go out then. I don't need much at the store, really just produce. So for tomorrow I have no excuses not to get 3 workouts in. I think a big part of my weekend struggle is I don't keep to a schedule. I often skip my shake and don't have a salad with lunch and this is why I end up hungry in the evening. Since I'm going to be home all day tomorrow I'm going to try keeping to my weekday schedule. I also need to keep myself busy, instead of sitting on the couch all day. There is a lot to be done in the house, starting with the laundry room & litter boxes !

On that note, it's long past time for bed. Time to brush my teeth and catch some z's !


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