Day 107: TGIF !


Today is day 107 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and it was 52 degrees when the alarm went off ! The forecast called for a high of 79, so although it was too chilly to work on the front porch at 8 am, I had hopes I would get out there before lunch but I didn't make it out there until after lunch. We made it up over 80 degrees today but it's not going to last. We're headed back to the 50's by Sunday and it looks like we're staying there for a while. I rolled out of bed around 7:10 and had enough time to feed the cats, make my bed, get dressed, brew my first cup of coffee and start this blog before it was time to work.

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. Morning snack was a 120 calorie vanilla shake. Lunch was the usual chef salad and 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 80 calorie cottage cheese & 90 calorie oatmeal cookies. Dinner was roasted carrots and a 200 calorie cheddar & bacon stuffed chicken stick. I bought these by mistake, thinking they were a dinner item (they're actually a lunch item) and they are not very hearty. I could easily have eaten two of them. Evening snack was a 140 calorie chocolate cupcake. Total calories for the day are 1200+ because I ate my chocolate bunny from Easter too. Oh well.

For my first workout of the day I put in 30 minutes at 3 mph. For workout #2 I played around with intervals and speeds ranging from 2.7 to 3 mph. I took it a little easier with my last workout, doing intervals at 2.4 with rests at 2.2 mph. My total for today was 71m15s and with 18 minutes of warm up/cool down the grand total is 89m15s. Not bad for a Friday ! It took all I had to eject myself from the couch for my last workout. It was just after 8 pm before I was done and could take my shoes off ! 

Today I'm going to talk about the Anger stage of grief. It might seem odd to cite the stages of grief when it comes to weight loss, but the feelings are the same. Grief isn't only about losing a loved one. When I realized I had gained 87 pounds I was so mad at myself. Yet again I had proved how little I really cared about myself. I worked so hard and spent so much money to lose the weight and I loved the way I looked and felt, then I threw it all away to stuff my face and be lazy. I wish I could understand why I let this happen. As my waist expanded I kept squeezing into my size 10 jeans until it got to the point that they were just too uncomfortable and finally would not fit. Having to go to Walmart and buy plus size clothes was devastating. I even had to buy a few new tops as everything I had was a small or medium and didn't fit. I even had to buy a new winter coat because I had nothing that fit. Now I'm angry because I'm going to Disney in December and it's more important than ever to get this weight back off. I'm just kicking myself on a daily basis for being so stupid. The big question is: have I learned my lesson ? Well, I don't know. Only time will tell.


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