Day 136: A Welcome Distraction


Today is day 136 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and it was a rainy Saturday. I got up just after 8 thanks to a visit from Abby, since breakfast was late and she was hangry ! 

Breakfast was a 270 calorie Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich. Lunch was a 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Since I was out today calories far exceeded 1200. Dinner was bang bang chicken from Coppertop and a brownie with ice cream. We also had avocado eggrolls for an appetizer. I had 2 pieces. I brought home half of the chicken and will have that tomorrow.

Despite feeling better about my job situation, I had a difficult time getting to sleep last night. It was long after midnight when I finally slept, but at least there was no getting up to search for anything ! I feel better about having an opportunity lined up, but the bottom line is I enjoy what I do now and I don't want that to change. I don't want to start a new job at this point in my life. So the situation is continuing to bother me. I have a plan now, so it's time to work on accepting whatever may come. It's not easy because I'm not confident in my ability to learn something new at this stage of my life. My friend told me I can make more money than AT&T would ever pay, but at what cost ? Here too I'm worried about the unknown. Sure, she'll hire me but what if I can't do it ? I worry about embarrassing her and being a complete failure. I made $97k last year (that was a shock, I didn't realize it because I forget about the 6% of my salary that goes to my 401k). I'm wondering if my new salary would match that. Considering this is a California company, that might be a reasonable or even low-ball expectation. I don't know what I'll do if they offer a lot less to start. So even though I have a plan, everything is still up in the air and that is what is continuing to weigh on my mind. I imagine that will be the case until AT&T tells me what the plan is for my future. If I end up leaving I'll need to consult with a financial planner to decide what to do with my pension benefit and 401k. If my new employer has a 401k plan I could roll it over but I want to make sure Financial Engines would still manage it. 

After a leisurely morning on the couch I finally got dressed and took a walk to the post office to pick up my mail. Most of it was the usual junk. The rest was just an HSA statement, a Social Security estimate, my last issue of Reader's Digest and some raffle tickets for the local fire department. My new trimmer was scheduled to be delivered today but not until 4-7 pm. I wanted to wait for it to arrive before heading out to spend time with my niece, but I couldn't wait that late. They put it inside the front porch and it was waiting for me when I got home. On my way back from the post office I stopped to be nosy and read the notices posted on the apartment across the street. As I suspected, it's a notice that the premises are not up to code and unfit for occupancy. I haven't seen any indication the owner is doing any work, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. Shortly after 2 I placed the order for dinner and then headed to my brother's house. We had a great time enjoying our meals and watching a couple of documentaries on Netflix. One was McGregor Forever and that was pretty interesting. Next we watched Woodstock 99 - that was pretty eye opening. Last was a 2 hour documentary on Fyre Fest. In between docs we took the dogs for a short walk and barely made it back to the house before it started to pour. It was nearly 10 when I left and I was home before 10:30. I fed the cats and then relaxed with a cup of coffee. Then I decided to put my new trimmer together. It wasn't that hard so it's all ready to go. I charged the battery as well. I don't think I need to go to the grocery store this week so I may give the trimmer a try. 

On that note it's time to take myself off to bed !


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