Day 140: Weary Wednesday


Today is day 140 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and just before 6:30 am Minnie decided she needed some attention. I managed to fall back asleep for a little bit until the alarm went off at 7. I could have slept for hours more but it's a work day so that wasn't an option. I wasn't tired last night and I had a hard time getting to sleep. I just couldn't find a comfortable position and the bedroom was a little warm. I never opened a window upstairs yesterday so it was 80 in my bedroom when I went to bed. I often struggle with using the fan because I get cold, cover up and then I'm too hot and have to uncover until I get cold again. It's a vicious cycle. Hot flashes on and off all night don't help. Will they ever end ?

Breakfast was 160 calorie waffles with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a chef salad & 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 80 calorie cottage cheese & 90 calorie oatmeal cookies. Dinner was roasted carrots and a 250 calorie chicken enchilada. Evening snack was a 130 calorie ice cream sandwich. Total calories for the day are 1010.

I was sore and itchy when I woke up this morning. I have a huge bite on my right leg near the ankle and 2 on my face. This happened last year when I was out raking leaves too. There are tiny black flies out there and you don't feel it when they bite ! I guess if I rake leaves again I need to apply an insect repellant. The soreness is mostly in my right arm and shoulder. That's from using the trimmer and the raking. This old body isn't used to that ! I'm back on the Benadryl to help with the bites. 

Tomorrow we have a meeting with our Director, and it's probably to tell us where we're expected to work from. If they assign us to Rochester with the expectation of one day per month in the office, I will agree to that. If it's anything else, then I'll be taking my friend up on an opportunity to join her company ! Ironically, the notice we received says if you're designated virtual you "should" go to the office 1-5 days a month. It doesn't say you "must", so maybe I can exploit that .. lol !

Today started off sunny and bright but by noon the skies turned gray and the wind came up. The radar showed rain north and west of me and by 12:30 some light showers moved in. The rain didn't last long, it was really just enough to get everything wet. By 6 pm the skies had cleared and the sun was out. Looking at the forecast, the next week is going to be sunny and temps are going to be 70's and 80's by Saturday. Looks like I'm going to have nice weather for my vacation ! 

I didn't have the ambition to get on the treadmill today so I opted to head upstairs and start working on organizing the spare bedroom. In a little over a half hour I made a huge difference. There is still more to do but it's not quite so overwhelming now. I have some plastic bins out in the garage that I need to clean up and then bring inside. The goal for upstairs is to have everything in a bin, so once I've used what I have I'll see if I need to buy a couple. I also have a couch project I plan to work on next week. I have 4 sets of icicle lights that I hang on the front porch. At least two sets have a section out, so I'm going to pull all the lights out of the sockets and then start putting them back one at a time to see if I can get them working. If I can't, I'll keep the working bulbs to use as replacements and throw the strings out. 

Work was steady as opposed to busy. I'm not taking on anything new since I'm off next week, so I'm just chipping away at what I have. I have a lot of projects that will be ready to move forward when I get back from vacation, so I'll be busy then. Well, if I still have a job .. lol !

My $300 Nutrisystem order was supposed to be delivered today but Fedex changed the status and claimed they attempted to deliver at 4:08 pm but no one was home. That is an absolute lie and I called Fedex to let them know the driver absolutely lied, if that is where the status came from. I've been getting shipments from Nutrisystem for over 4 years and you do not need to be home. Regardless, I was home !! It is likely that some of the items will be thawed by the time it is delivered, as the dry ice doesn't last 2 days. Nutrisystem will replace anything that is thawed, so it's just the fact that the status is a lie that makes me angry. The driver probably didn't want to make the drive to Mexico because it was late in the day. When I called Fedex, the representative said she'd let her manager know and that all calls are recorded, so they could discuss with the driver. That is likely BS and they probably won't do anything. This happened once before and Nutrisystem replaced the items no questions asked, so I'm not worried about that.

I didn't bother with the treadmill after work today. I'm going to try and get back in the swing of things tomorrow, since I'm about out of things to do around the house. The garage is in much better shape and the upstairs bedroom is a lot neater. I did a load of laundry tonight, so that is out of the way too. 

On that note, I'm heading for bed !


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