Day 141: Not A Good Day


Today is day 141 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and this old body did not want to get out of my nice warm bed this morning ! I suppose the bedtime double dose of Benadryl and a 4:45 am booster did not help, but the bites on my face and leg are looking and feeling better today. The one on my leg itches the most and looks the worst so I'm still taking Benadryl. 

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and a 80 calorie yogurt. I did not have a morning snack. Lunch was a chef salad & 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. I didn't have an afternoon snack. Dinner was 220 calorie chicken fettuccine alfredo over riced cauliflower. Evening snack was a 140 calorie lemon zest cake. Total calories are 1200+, thanks to the package of tea cookies that I ate today.

Work was steady and I'm just plugging along at my own pace. I did work until 7 pm and I'm going to work all the OT I can until this job comes to an end. The meeting with our Director did not go well. Apparently working out of Rochester is not an option and it's unlikely we'll be allowed to continue working from home. He said we should be notified of our "assignment" in mid-June and transitions should start taking place in September. This evening I sent an email to my friend to let her know I'd like to talk more about a job next week while I'm on vacation. The sooner I line up a new job, the better I'll feel. I floated the idea of a $100k salary and mentioned that I get 28 vacation days. I also asked about benefits. I think the salary is reasonable, considering I made $97k last year with OT and my bonus. This is a California company so $100K is probably nothing to them. I decided to pursue this opportunity now because if it doesn't work out I'll have some time to start pursuing other opportunities. I'm really hoping it works out and if I like it and they need more people I may suggest my colleague Chuck. 

Fedex showed up with my Nutrisystem delivery at 12:07 pm, which was great timing since I was on my lunch break. There was still dry ice so everything was still frozen in spite of the delay. I managed to fit all 133 items into the freezer ! I got 36 breakfast items, 30 lunch, 30 dinner and 37 snacks so I'm all set for a while !

I'm really sad to think that my career at AT&T is going to end this way. Today I didn't even bother to get dressed and I'm working at maybe 50% capacity. I worked so hard to get where I am and finally settled into a role that I truly enjoy, with a boss I just love. It never ends - the minute I am happy something always happens to fuck it all up. It's not like I will be broke and starving. I have over $300k in my 401k but I'd like to be able to roll that over and not touch it just yet. I believe I will be able to start collecting my pension and I fully intend to do that. Actually, it might be fun to do something else so I really hope this job works out with my friend's company. She is #2 in command so I'd say she has some influence ! I'm happy to take advantage of that to get the job but once I have it I will work hard to prove myself.

On that note, it's 10 pm and time for bed !


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