Day 163: Bad to Worse


Today is day 163 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and it was a struggle to get up again today. I only took 1 Benadryl last night, so I can't blame it on that. I think I've just been staying up too late.

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a chef salad & 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. I didn't have an afternoon snack. Dinner was a 440 calorie bowl of mashed potatoes, corn & chicken nuggets. Evening snack was a bowl of popcorn and a couple handfuls of Hershey Kisses, along with a 140 calorie ice cream sandwich.

Work was no big deal today. I'm working on cleaning up older projects that I've been avoiding. Seems the decisions my employer made about return to work are generating a lot of buzz in the news. Everybody knows this is a sneaky way to reduce staff without having to pay severance benefits and the media is calling them out on it. I've decided that regardless of what the decision is with my job I will be continuing to pursue others opportunities and will take a new job if offered to me. I no longer feel any loyalty to this company. I plan to spend a fair amount of time this weekend preparing for Tuesday's interview.

I didn't exercise during lunch today only because I failed (again!) to charge my tablet. I opted to clean the laundry room as the litter boxes needed attention. I didn't exercise after work as I was just too lazy, and kind of let down. Why ? Keep reading ....

Today was a big letdown. My friend pretty much admitted there is no job for me with her company. I suspected as much but I'm not sure why she led me on. It's really disappointing, so I'm glad I've been exploring other opportunities. Her company is super small and she said there are no salaried positions. No way I am jumping to a Sales commission job. She did tell me to send her my resume and she would shop it around, so I may do that. I plan to spend a lot of time this weekend applying for jobs, polishing my resume and researching tips to ace the interview I have on Tuesday !


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