Day 167: A Ray of Hope


Today is day 167 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm today, thanks to an incredibly loud garbage truck out on the main drag. I love sleeping with the windows open but occasionally traffic noise intrudes !

Breakfast was 150 calorie pancakes with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. Lunch was 1/2 a pepperoni pizza. Afternoon snack was 80 calorie cottage cheese & 90 calorie oatmeal cookies. Dinner was 2 hotdogs. Evening snack was vanilla ice cream with Hershey syrup and whipped cream.

I published yesterday's blog just as it was written .. and there was not much. I'm letting the stress of job hunting get to me. It really sucks that AT&T is doing this to people that have been with the company for decades and continued to work hard even during the lean times. I just feel so hurt and betrayed. It never fails though, once life seems to be good the bottom always falls out. I guess that is my lot in life.

Today was my interview with US Bank. I used my lunch hour to do my hair and makeup for the 3 pm "show". I also spent some time writing out notes for talking points. I didn't actually use the notes and the interview only lasted about 15 minutes. The interviewer was quite nice and commented that it went quick because I was prepared. I took that as a positive ! I thought the interview went well but in hindsight this is a leadership role and I didn't talk much about leading a team. It was more about what I do personally. I've written out some talking points to force my focus to leadership, in the event I make it through to the next round of interviews. She indicated there are at least 2 more rounds. I really hope I get this job - I think I would love it ! 

I will keep looking and keep applying for other jobs. I'll find something eventually. I don't yet know my fate with AT&T but I expect that by September I'll be out of a job. That gives me some time to continue working on my interviewing skills and applying for jobs.

Siding guy is bringing the contract tomorrow and expects to start the 2nd week of July. I can't wait ! Looks like after tomorrow we're in for some rainy days, so I'm planning on mowing as much of the lawn as I can during my lunch hour tomorrow. I'm also hoping to work some OT, so it's going to be a busy day. Thursday I plan to restart my exercise and work harder to stay within the guidelines of the Nutrisystem plan. Pizza, hot dogs and ice cream are not really the way to go !

On that note, I'm heading for bed. I put the air conditioner in my bedroom as it was 85 degrees upstairs, so I'm hoping for a cool, comfy night !


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