Day 169: A Tough Day


Today is day 169 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and after a crappy nights sleep I woke up to an email indicating I am not moving on in the interview process at US Bank. Although I am sad about that, I'm not surprised because I really wasn't qualified for the job. Clearly the hiring manager saw that and I'm sure that is why my interview only lasted 15 minutes. I did learn some things from the process and my hope is that it will help me do better the next time ! So far I have failed to display leadership skills and I feel like a lot of employers are looking for that. I applied tonight for a couple of jobs with Cardinal Health. We'll see how that goes ! One position is entry level data analysis and I think I would be amazing at that !

I woke up last night around 3 am and could not get comfortable or get back to sleep. I felt like I was hungry so I came downstairs, grabbed the Wheat Thins and sat on the couch with the tv on. I ended up falling asleep and that's where I stayed until the alarm went off.

Breakfast was pancakes with sugar free syrup. Lunch was a chef salad & pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was cottage cheese & oatmeal cookies. Dinner was 2 hotdogs. Evening snack was vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup & whipped cream.

Today's lunch hour exercise was trimming the weeds ! If nothing else, this is helping to increase my upper body strength. My arms feel like spaghetti when I get done ! After work I broke out the weed killer I bought a couple years ago and sprayed all around the perimeter of the yard. There is a TON of poison ivy out there so I plan on monitoring it and may spray again in a week or so.

I worked until 7 again tonight and I'm planning to work late tomorrow as well. I'm also going to try and get 6 more hours of OT in next week, since I'll be going on vacation ! I want to make as much money as I possibly can so I'm going to take advantage of the OT as long as I can. The week I'm on vacation I'm going to work hard to get my exercise program back on track. I am quickly running out of time to get the weight off before I go to Disney ! It's just over 5 months away !

On that note, it's time to head for bed ! I'm hoping to get a better nights sleep !


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