Day 173: Cautiously Optimistic


Today is day 173 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and it's Monday. Four more days and I'll be off on vacation for 9 days ! After a restless night I had a tough time getting out of bed. During the night I woke to the smell of a skunk and had to turn off the air conditioning in my bedroom. The fan kept me cool enough but the skunk smell lingered. Seems like there was an altercation on the back step, probably over the cat food as the smell is strong out there AND in my pantry ! Ugh - so gross. I did see a skunk on the Ring camera at the garage around 10:45 pm last night. Haven't seen one around my house in years.

Breakfast was pancakes with sugar free syrup and a yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a chef salad and pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was cottage cheese & peaches. Since I worked OT and was having dinner late I ended up having a yogurt, which counts as the morning snack. Dinner was the leftover pasta & meatballs with broccoli. Evening snack was a vanilla ice cream sandwich. Although my dinner wasn't Nutrisystem I feel like today was a success when it comes to food !

Work was busy as I've taken on extra items and agreed to put in 6 hours of OT this week. I plan to take ALL the OT that is offered until they push me out the door !

I didn't get on the treadmill during lunch today. I needed to clean litter boxes and I also wanted to gather the cardboard in the garage so I can put it all out with the trash tomorrow. I also started a new bag for trash out there as there is still small stuff in the workshop that I can get rid of before the siding work starts. I also didn't work out this evening as I worked until 7.

We had a quick blast of rain early this afternoon and around 7 a quick thunderstorm rolled in. Around 9:30 another round of downpours popped up. We need the rain !

Today is the first day of trying to get back on the road to losing this weight. I'm so unhappy with the way I look and feel yet all I want to do is eat. It's 8:30 now and I'm going to have my evening snack and go to bed. I am hungry and I suppose that's a good thing when you're trying to lose weight. I'm working on being HAPPY about feeling hungry. I can't carry all this weight to Disney.

On that note, I'm going to wrap things up and head for bed.


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