Day 174: Getting Things Done !


Today is day 174 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and yet again I did not want to get up. I was awake briefly around 3:30 am as I needed to pee. I discovered that the power was out when I realized the air conditioner, fan and tv were off. A quick check of my phone found a notification from National Grid at 2:21 am. I went back to sleep pretty quickly, so I can't say the outage had anything to do with not wanting to get up. The power came back on at 4:30 am but I was asleep so I don't think I even noticed. I'm assuming there was a storm that I must have slept through !

Breakfast was waffles with sugar free syrup and a yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was the usual chef salad and pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack (at 6 pm !) was cottage cheese & peaches. So far I'm not missing the oatmeal cookies ! Dinner was green beans and a meatloaf sandwich and evening snack was a lemon zest cake. Today I stuck with Nutrisystem 100% and I'm not starving ! I think it helps that I had snack at 6 and my dinner at 8 ! If I can just eat later in the day it seems to help.

I didn't exercise during lunch as I wanted to get the laundry started and do a little more cleanup in the garage. I made my salad, threw in a load of laundry and then headed out to the garage. I swept about 1/3 of the floor and the entryway. During my vacation I plan to pull the car out of the garage, sweep the entire floor and then wash the car. The garage is looking amazing now ! I still have 2 styrofoam coolers to get rid of and I found a tool box that I missed over the weekend. I may clean up the toolbox and keep it for myself, since I don't have one. If I decide I don't want it I can put it in my trash bin.
I also want to sweep up as much of the floor as I can in the workshop. There is also some junk out there that I can get rid of before the siding work starts. I'm glad to have all this work to keep me busy because it helps my mental state and keeps my mind off food. I decided not to work OT tonight because I didn't have enough stuff prepared. I will work tomorrow night and then Thursday or Friday as well. I decided to go out in the workshop and continue cleaning up. I spent about an hour out there and swept all the junk off the floor. I discovered the stray cats have been in there and there was 2 kittens ! Naturally, they are feral and I couldn't get anywhere near them. They scooted out the broken window and probably ran right to their momma. I had wondered if any animals had gotten in there. I feel kind of bad that it will be torn down in a couple weeks. Behind the rhododendron is a protected area that would be an ideal spot for a shelter, because no one would be able to see it and it would be semi-protected from wind, rain and snow. I went ahead and ordered one from Walmart ! It'll be here next week so I can assemble it while I'm on vacation ! It's on legs so I'm also going to pick up some patio stones so it will have a stable foundation. 

In the end I filled another contractor bag with junk today and managed to get it into my bin, all ready for next weeks trash pickup ! I started filling another one and I only have 1 left, so I need to buy another box of them. I got most of the junk out of the workshop and I'm hoping my siding guy will haul away the rest. I called it a day just after 6 pm and after a short break I headed for the shower. I was sweaty and dirty and felt great after my shower. 

Just before 9 pm I noticed the sky was turning that odd sepia tone we had the last time the wildfire smoke was here. I had read online that it was going to be back tonight and tomorrow but it's not supposed to be quite so bad. I closed all the windows and I'll probably make do with a fan in my bedroom tonight.

Today was a good day. I got a few things accomplished at work, did a ton of cleaning in the garage and I got 3 loads of laundry done ! I've made a list of all the things I want to accomplish during my vacation.


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