Day 177: Time For A Restart !


Today is day 177 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and I was wide awake around 6:30 am. Thanks to a visit from a hungry Abby I was able to get up and get going before the alarm went off at 7.

Breakfast was pancakes with sugar free syrup and a yogurt. I didn't have a morning snack. Lunch was a pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was cottage cheese & pineapple. Dinner was a frozen 440 calorie meal followed by a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. I also had a Nutrisystem ice cream sandwich because I was hungry. Then I had a second bowl of ice cream. This is NOT the restart I was looking for ! I was hungry this evening because I took a break from salad today. My teeth are bothering me. I think I irritated a tooth a couple days ago and it's slowly getting better.

Work was not what I would call busy today. I spent the majority of the day just tidying up all my work so that nothing blows up while I'm on vacation. I will have a TON of work "ready to go" when I go back ! My boss called me out of the blue today to ask how I was feeling about the change in our work assignment. Seems our leadership is worried they're going to lose some of their most valuable employees. I told her I was happy and don't plan to go hard to find another job, because I love what I do and I love my boss. You couldn't ask for someone more supportive. I think she was glad to hear that and wow, maybe I am actually valued !

I didn't get on the treadmill today only because I decided to mow the lawn. There is rain in the forecast for the next 3 days and it was starting to get a little shaggy. I did the big part of the yard during my lunch and then after work I did the front and the driveway side. I also took a quick trip to Tops and then to the village office to drop off my water and tax payments. I went to Tops for 4 specific items: vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, frozen mac & cheese and the frozen bowl I had for dinner - which was mashed potatoes, corn, gravy & chicken nuggets. Not exactly something to be proud of, but it is what it is. After dinner I went out and used my new tool a little bit on the sidewalk in front of my house. It doesn't really work that great but it definitely helps. Maybe the more I use it I'll figure out what works best. I may buy some spray weed killer to address the weeds in the sidewalk cracks.

I'm officially on vacation now and thanks to my job news I can actually enjoy this one ! I was off Memorial Day week and pretty much spent the entire week sitting on the couch feeling sorry for myself. I have a long list of things I want to do in the week ahead and I'm determined to check off a fair number of them ! Tomorrow I'm going to drop my carpet cleaner off at my sisters and then do a little grocery shopping. I need potatoes, celery, mustard and eggs for the potato salad I'm making. 


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