Day 201: Still Struggling


Today is day 201 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and quite honestly, it is not going well. I am continuing to sabotage my efforts. I just don't know how to regain control. Saturday I bought 2 half gallons of ice cream and I've already finished one. Well, they're not half gallons anymore, more like 75% of a half gallon. Still - I'm out of control and struggling. I'm eating the snacks I bought for the siding crew too. 

The siding crew was here bright and early but their day was cut short when a thunderstorm rolled in about 3:30. They were able to stop what they were doing, clean up and get on the road before the storm hit. I also had enough time to go out and take photos after they left. The rain started the moment I came back inside ! We had some heavy rain for about an hour and then the sun came out ! This storm had lots of lightning and thunder, so I'm glad the crew was able to pack up and get out of harms way. There's one part of the siding trim along the bottom of the house that I'm not happy with, so I emailed Will. Turns out he had noticed the same thing and wasn't happy with it either, so we'll discuss options tomorrow. It's a tough area because the ground is uneven and there is no stone foundation for part of the run. He'll figure out something to make it look better, I'm sure. I'm glad I've kept up with taking photos every day and this weekend I'm going to spend some time matching them up with the "before" photos. The house is really looking amazing ! My new lights were shipped today and are still expected to arrive Friday. I'm hoping they get here sooner, but I don't think the siding will be done this week so I should be able to have the siding crew install them. There is still a lot of work to be done. Pretty much the entire main house needs to be done. The entire front porch and the back patio also need to be done. The new posts need to be installed, along with gutters on the front and the new basement access cover. The garage also isn't 100% done and there's still all the window trim. I can see this lasting into late next week, possibly early the following week. I think there is little chance they will be done by this Friday.


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