Day 202 and 203: Hard Decisions


Today is day 203 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and it's time for some hard decisions.

I didn't write yesterday. I think I'm avoiding it because it means examining what is going on in my life. I'm eating out of control and making zero progress with my weight. If anything, it's going in the wrong direction. Why ? Why am I doing this to myself ? I sit and look at the pictures I took when I reached my goal weight and I love how I looked and how I felt. Yet, here I am now fat, uncomfortable and unhappy. 

On the good news front, the siding work is going well and it is clear that I hired the right guy. He cares about the work and isn't all about just making a fast buck. He's doing things right and that means a lot to me. Yesterday the crew spent a fair amount of time basically building a brand new soffit on the driveway side of the main house, since what was there was rotten. He could have just covered it up with siding and I'd have been none the wiser. I'm really starting to see just how nice the house is going to look when it's done. My new lights were delivered today and I can't wait to see how those look on the house ! Will installed the hardware on the new door at the back of the garage and finished the siding on that back wall. It just looks amazing and I'm happy to have a secure door back there. 

Back to my weight. I've realized the snacks are a temporary thing, since I won't buy more once the siding job is done, but they're also a problem. I'm not buying any more ice cream or other sweets. I know, I know - I keep saying that !!! Last night I ran to Walmart to get some "healthy" snacks for the guys, in the form of granola bars and cheese sticks and used that as an excuse to buy hot dogs ! Those will last for 3 meals and then I'm cutting myself off from anything that is not Nutrisystem. Monday July 31 I'm going to start 5 days of shakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With those I will have Metamucil as a morning snack, salad with lunch and fruit for an afternoon snack. There will be no snacks after dinner. I wanted to do a full week of this but I'm going on an outing Saturday 8/5 with the family. We're doing dinner in Skaneateles followed by a boat cruise. I'm going to try and do a second week of shakes starting 8/7. We'll see how that goes ! I feel like I need a drastic jolt to restart my progress. 

So far the weather hasn't been a major impediment to the siding work. I was up early today (awake at 5 am, up around 5:45) and the forecast high for today was 87. Friday is supposed to be just as hot. The crew knocked off about 3 pm as it got very hot and humid. Looks like the granola bars and cheese were a hit, so I'm glad I bought them. The second trailer was gone from the yard so after work I went out and mowed that little section. It took less than 5 minutes.


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