Day 204: Rainy Days !


Today is day 204 of Nutrisystem 2.0 and as expected, it got off to a rainy start. As a result, the siding crew spent their day working on an inside job elsewhere. We needed the rain and it was pretty breezy once the rain moved out, so by late morning I moved out to work on the front porch. By late afternoon it was hot out there and I wasn't being very productive, so I came back inside. I worked until 7 just to get a few OT hours in.

Now that the chaos with my job has settled down and the siding job is well under way, I really need to refocus on diet and exercise. I'm pretty much out of excuses for my behavior ! Today I sat on my front porch with my hips bulging out on both sides of my chair. I'm so disappointed in myself.

The bottom line is I have to regain control. Somehow. Some way. I have to do it. It has to be drastic as I can't trust myself to exercise moderation. Tonight I will finish the ice cream and then that's off the menu. I'm not buying any more snack or cookies or things like that. I will buy enough to keep the siding guys supplied and then that's it. When they're done with the job I will encourage them to take whatever they want with them. 

Today was a relaxing day but I'm looking forward to seeing more siding go up tomorrow. There's still a lot of work to do and I wouldn't be surprised to see it last another 2 weeks. The only good thing about that is it gets me closer to the date the garage door will be ready ! I'm not looking forward to having the siding be all done while the crappy garage door is still hanging around. Right now the delivery date is 8-21 and install will occur sometime after that. I waited all these years for siding so I guess I can wait a few weeks for the garage door.

On a brighter note, I'm in great shape financially. My Disney trip is paid in full ! My house insurance is paid in full until next July. My car insurance is paid in full until January. My siding will be paid in full once it's done. My new garage door will be paid in full when I pay my Visa bill next month. Liberty Mutual was costing me nearly $500 a month and that money will be going into my savings now !

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday ! I have nothing planned for the weekend other than a trip to the grocery store. I need lettuce more than anything as today I had to throw away the last head I had. It was starting to rot and I thought about salvaging what I could but that was just gross so I threw it away. I had green beans with my lunch and tomorrow I'll probably have broccoli.

On that note .. it's bedtime !


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