Round 4, Day 6: Chugging Along !


Today should have been day 211 of Nutrisystem 2.0 but instead it's Day 6 of Round 4. I believe I am finally taking this effort seriously and working harder to stay away from temptation. The goal now is to keep it going !

I didn't write much last night as I was tired and more interested in playing my online slot game. When I went to bed last night I discovered that I hurt myself a little more than I realized yesterday morning. I have a bruise on the right shoulder and the area is very tender. I have full mobility, so nothing is broken. This old body just hurts this morning ! I didn't take any Tylenol last night as I don't want to overdo it, but this morning I took an ibuprofen. It helped with the pain a great deal ! The summary of injuries from the Sunday night fall are: rug burn on my nose and upper lip, tender nasal bones, scraped & bruised left knee, large bruise on right hip. Wednesday morning I added: minor scrape & bruising on right knee, bruised ring finger on left hand and bruised right shoulder. I'm just a mess ! The knees and shoulder hurt the most. My nose looks really bad but it doesn't hurt. I think I'm lucky I didn't get hurt worse on either occasion. I'm also lucky my teeth are intact, as they took a direct hit when I face planted ! Rule now is sit on the edge of the bed for a few seconds before getting up, to ensure I'm steady. Also, I'm going barefoot upstairs (unless I'm up there to take a shower) and NO slippers when going out to the garage. I really have to think more about safety since I'm getting older and I'm alone.

Breakfast today was 120 calorie french toast with sugar free syrup and an 80 calorie yogurt. I forgot to have my morning snack ! Lunch was a chef salad & 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was 90 calorie cottage cheese and 80 calorie pineapple chunks. Dinner was broccoli and 250 calorie chicken enchilada. I also treated myself to a 1911 Sangria. It's been a rough week and a little alcohol was a welcome distraction ! Evening snack was a 140 calorie chocolate cupcake.

The siding guys arrived just after 8 am today. Will was not on site today and won't be here tomorrow, but the guys worked hard all day and (in my opinion) got a lot done. They started packing up around 3:30 and were out of here by 3:45. All of the siding is done up to the chimney on the yard side of the house. That includes the back part of the upstairs. There is still a lot of little stuff to be done so it's not 100%, but I'm thinking they may be able to finish the job next week. All the window trim needs to be finished, and I have a lot of windows. The entire front of the house still needs to be sided and trimmed, and the plan is to tackle that starting Monday. Garage trim isn't quite finished either. The bulkhead for the basement still needs a door and the plan is to reface the breezeway door with vertical siding. I also need to fix the knobs on that door, and might need a little help to get that accomplished. They will also be replacing the posts on the patio and can then finish all that trim. Last step will likely be installing my new lighting and that shouldn't take long. I can really see how amazing the house is going to look when they're done. Hopefully the garage door doesn't get delayed again ! I'm thinking I may have the porch redone next year. I'd like vinyl windows and something needs to be done with the siding and floor. Basically the whole thing need to be rebuilt, which could get expensive.

Here's something funny but pretty stupid. Very early this morning (like 5 am) I was woken up by the sounds of chain saws ! I laid there wondering who the hell would be running a chain saw at that hour. It dawned on me much later that the TV was still on and random YouTube video's were playing ! The chain saw noise was coming from my tv ! What an idiot ! I thought I had a sleep timer on the tv but it doesn't turn off some nights, so I don't know what that is all about ! Needless to say, no one in my neighborhood was out there sawing down trees this morning !

After slacking for a couple days, I managed to get a shower in tonight. I always feel so good afterward so I need to put a little more effort into early evening showers, instead of waiting until bedtime.

On that note, it's about time to head for bed !


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