Starting Over ? Nope. Continuing.


Since the "day" comes but often doesn't stay, I am turning my focus to just taking each day as it comes. I've been drowning in the negativity associated with what I perceive as failure after failure. In truth, I've been using it as an excuse to justify my behavior.

Breakfast was pancakes with sugar free syrup and a yogurt. Morning snack was a chocolate shake with peanut butter powder. Lunch was a chef salad & pepperoni pizza melt. I took a bit of a break from salad but I'm glad to have it back on the menu! Afternoon snack was cottage cheese and an apple. Dinner was broccoli and roasted turkey medallions. This is my favorite entree because it has mashed potatoes and gravy ! Evening snack was a chocolate cupcake with whipped cream.

Around 11:30 I had to move my a$$ to get dressed and put my shoes on, because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't exercise. The thought of skipping it DID cross my mind, but I pushed that away. It helped that my shake was already made, even though it was a leftover from Friday. I completed a 29m43s workout. I started at 2.5 mph and at 25 minutes to go I increased to 2.6 and then added 0.1 mph every 5 minutes. With 5 minute to go I was at 3 mph, which is a stretch for me right now. I did that for 3 minutes, then increased to 3.1 for a minute and then 3.2 for the final minute. Yet again, I proved to myself that I absolutely can reach those speeds again. I just have to put in the work to build up my endurance. It helped that I was pain free today ! The 3 day break from the treadmill allowed the little toe on my right foot to toughen up a bit. After work (around 5:45) I forced myself back onto the treadmill for a nice 25m46s walk around Boston! I went with the programmed pace of 2.5 mph. With the warm up and cool down, my total treadmill time today is 67m29s! That really makes me happy!

For a chilly and gloomy Fall Monday, today was a good day. I ate sensibly, exercised and had a productive work day. It's 7:10 pm as I write this and I'm enjoying a rare evening cup of coffee. I don't usually have coffee this late because it keeps me awake, but I just really wanted it tonight. The key now is to make it to bedtime with just my evening snack ! I just took all my vitamins and I have my magnesium and Metamucil out on the counter. The goal is to take those at bedtime. Hopefully the vitamins all at once don't make me nauseous. Tomorrow I will try to remember to take them earlier so I can spread them out.

I took my magnesium and Metamucil before I went to bed, so this was a super successful day on this journey ! 


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