TGIF ! 5 Days of Progress !


Today started off slow - I didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed !

Breakfast was french toast AND pancakes, only because the slice of french toast was clearly smaller than normal. I guess you can attribute that to variations in bread size. That put my calories at 270 for breakfast, so I decided to just forego the yogurt. A typical breakfast total for me is 240 to 260 so I'm only 10 calories beyond that. I had my protein shake (chocolate today!) during my lunch workout. Lunch was a chef salad and pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack was cottage cheese and an apple. Dinner was brussel sprouts and a meatloaf sandwich. Evening snack was a vanilla ice cream sandwich.

Rain was forecast so the skies were gray and gloomy, but the temps were mild. I will take that ! We ended up just having some light rain in the evening.

My work morning was productive. I ran through most of my cases I needed to follow up on, closed 2 and took on a new "hot" item from my boss. Today was also our monthly 90 minute org call hosted by our AVP, so that brought me to lunch time ! I got a few things done after lunch but ran out of steam about 4 pm. I was just done with the work week.

I had planned to do a 34 minute workout during lunch, but in the end I decided to go with the 20 minute (19m35s) workout instead. I didn't want to basically spend my entire lunch hour on the treadmill. The shorter workout was no picnic - it had some 10%, 6%, 4% and 2% incline but the speed never exceeded 2.7 mph. Incline is still tough for me but it didn't last long and I was able to power through it. I didn't use the treadmill after work. I was just tired.

I've noticed that I'm not as hungry these days and I attribute that to eliminating all the "extras" that were loaded with carbs and sugar. I still have 3 packages of PopTarts and a candy bowl full of Tootsie rolls, but sugar cravings have not struck ! Getting through this weekend is going to be the test. I tend to get in trouble the most when I have too much free time on my hands, so I need to stay busy. I do have a lot of cleaning to do, so the plan is to work on that. I also intend to complete the 34 and 37 minute workouts on my calendar. That will bring the October challenges to a close and allow me to choose some other workouts for next week ! 

My Nailboo order has shipped so I'm excited to try my hand at doing dip nails at home ! My Nutrisystem order was supposed to be delivered but that didn't happen. Hopefully it will come tomorrow and not be thawed. If it is, Nutrisystem always sends replacements without question. I only had  a problem once in nearly 5 years, so I can't complain !

I wasted the entire evening playing slot games and watching tv. Great way to spend a Friday night, I guess !


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