Round 4, Day 6: Chugging Along !

Today should have been day 211 of Nutrisystem 2.0 but instead it's Day 6 of Round 4. I believe I am finally taking this effort seriously and working harder to stay away from temptation. The goal now is to keep it going ! I didn't write much last night as I was tired and more interested in playing my online slot game. When I went to bed last night I discovered that I hurt myself a little more than I realized yesterday morning. I have a bruise on the right shoulder and the area is very tender. I have full mobility, so nothing is broken. This old body just hurts this morning ! I didn't take any Tylenol last night as I don't want to overdo it, but this morning I took an ibuprofen. It helped with the pain a great deal ! The summary of injuries from the Sunday night fall are: rug burn on my nose and upper lip, tender nasal bones, scraped & bruised left knee, large bruise on right hip. Wednesday morning I added: minor scrape & bruising on right knee, bruised ring fin...