Good Riddance 2023

It's the last day of 2023 and I can't say I'm not happy to see it go. The year was not all bad but the bad seems to outweigh the good. The bad: spending 2 months thinking I was going to lose my job. I naively thought finding a new job with comparable benefits would be easy but I quickly found that my lack of a college degree and lack of any professional certifications pretty much puts me at the bottom of any pile. My "resume" was crap and my interview skills were woefully inadequate. Fortunately for me, that 2 month scramble was all for nothing. I emerged with my job and a requirement to go to the Rochester office once a month. A deal with Chuck to do the driving in exchange for me contributing to gas ($25 per month) made it an easy ask for me. It's nice to be able to chat with Chuck in person during the 90 minute drive each way, so there is an upside there ! The good: getting the vinyl siding & new garage door done. Thanks to my inheritance from mom th...