Today Is My Friday !

Today was a better day. I thought a lot about the baby owls and I'm thinking it may not have been their father that killed them. I had read that the male offspring from last year still hangs around the nest, so it's possible this male was jealous or just hungry (lazy!) and saw the babies as food. It doesn't make the situation any less sad, but I'd feel better if that were the case. Needless to say, I won't be watching that cam any more. I found one for baby falcons and the parents of these babies are both extremely attentive. I also watch an eagle cam and same - very attentive parents. Breakfast was 120 calorie french toast with sugar free syrup. I forgot to have my yogurt ! Morning snack was a 155 calorie chocolate shake. Lunch was a chef salad & 220 calorie pepperoni pizza melt. Afternoon snack (at 5 pm !) was cottage cheese and an apple. Dinner was broccoli and a 250 calorie chicken enchilada with the last of the low fat sour cream. Evening snack was a 140 ...