Day 28: To Weigh or Not To Weigh

Day 28 of Nutrisystem 2.0. Since it is winter and I'm forced to be inside, it's hard not to feel isolated. Even if I lived closer to my family, they all work too so it's not like I'd be hanging at their houses all the time. I really miss being able to work out on the front porch. I miss the sunshine and the warmth and being able to sit out there and enjoy even the rainy days. I do enjoy watching a good blizzard since I don't have to go out, but we really haven't had one of those .. yet ! This winter has been relatively mild but that can change at any time. I'm glad that I have Nutrisystem and iFit to focus on. If I wasn't working on losing weight and regaining my fitness, I'd be sitting here eating myself to death. The casino used to be my happy place every weekend and I haven't been able to come up with a replacement to provide entertainment. I'm thinking that I may venture out to some of our local beaches this summer. Sure, it kind of suc...